Friday, March 15, 2013

Kitchen Evacuation - Discovering El Anatsui

Since Paul records in our kitchen, he tries to schedule sessions with clients during the work day so that it’s not an inconvenience for me. Our apartment is set up so that the kitchen and living room are basically one large space, so I can’t exactly hang out and watch some tv if he’s recording. For the rappers with day jobs, they have to schedule time on the weekends though.

Luckily, we live down the street from the Brooklyn Art Museum, and it’s one of my faves. I often go there during his recording sessions. (It’s also a lifesaver in the summer when it’s disgustingly hot out, and I can go there to soak up the art as well as the air conditioning. God, I miss having central ac.) A few weeks ago, Corina Corina and ANGI3 came in to record, so I went to see the new El Anatsui exhibition and it blew me away.

He’s a Nigerian artist best known for his metal wall hangings made out of liquor bottle caps. So often artwork made out of trash looks like trash, but these are stunning. They are draped on the wall and look like textiles from a distance. I think it’s the scale (they are huge) of such laborious construction in combination with the gold and silver sheen of the metal, but for me, they evoked the same awe as when I have visited Medieval churches in Europe.

The exhibition is open through August 4, 2013, and I couldn't recommend it enough. For those of you not in NYC, you can check out the museum’s website for more pictures and info.

Sometimes, it’s not so bad to have rappers in your kitchen.

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